Thursday, May 14, 2009

Laws of Thermodynamics: I

The Conservation of Matter

Poof! I press my forcefield belt. Poof! a pride of lines is running through my head, a hello, a cucumber, a screwdriver, a quay-side walk, the waves are running in verses and those versus are Gertrude Stein. When I go to the cornerstore I ask for four bananas, a kilo of apples and a zucchini with alligator skin and there are returned to me these objects in exchange for my words. And also a hello, a goodbye, a smile. These are bonus and they are set into my shopping bag along with the edibles. A strange thing the immaterialitly of our exchange. My imperfect words, my accusative mangled into ablatives (ablatives do not exist here), the bits of seraphs stuck like flypaper to the palate and non-palatables shrink the shrinking dance of chocolate in hot hands, changing states from the slightly sticky state to the sludge state, primal, in the order of states. It's true thought that I am a lexical junk master. I am the spiller of marinara stains in the shape of small forlorn countries. I am the bunchbacked garbage woman all covered over with the detritus of broken chairs, faulty mirrors and rotting banana peels. You say 235 please, and I want to say that nothing has changed.

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