Saturday, February 21, 2009

Browsing through summer photos

I find a fore-echo of my current life in a July trip up the Bosporus.

One can imagine that either the name of this shop is a result of the pure cosmic/linguistic absurdity of the universe, or that its owner is a Kafka scholar indeed.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

And death to: folklore, Moravian-Slovak embroidery, Alfons Mucha and Old Prague sentimentality

Long live:
The liberated word, the new word, fauvism, expressionism, cubism, pathetism, dramatism, orphism, paroxysm, dynamisn, plastic art, onomatopoesim, the poetry of noise, the civilization of inventions and of journeys of discovery!
Long live:
machinism, sports fields, Frištenský, the Českomoravská Machine-Tool Works, the Central Slughterhouse, Laurin and Klement, the crematorium, the future cinima, the Circus Henry, the military concert of Střelecký Island and in Stromovka Park, the World Exhibition, railroad stations, artistic advertisements, steel and concrete!

- from "Open Windows" a Czech "futurist" manifesto (1913)