Monday, October 22, 2007

Sturm und Drang

Grey shapes are emerging from dusty corners and the city looks unexpected and unwholesome in the rain. October mystery is my favorite kind and each year I manage to forget its allure. It's a fortunate amnesia leaving me continuously and vertiginous uneasy-- but in a pleasant way, you know.

Its also pleasant when Books speak and when authors you admire take words from your mouth decades before it occurs to you to spend hundreds of hours figuring out how to say them.
And well too, Mr. Crowley I remember the feeling of ineffable sadness when, turning the orange inside out like your precocious Giordano, the world came bursting forth, real and mutable. The crystalline beauty of narrative of course became trapped in the pulpy innards behind peels that no girl of 10 or 80 could hope to penetrate. Le sigh.

Fortunately for all some happy things came out this week too.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Cluj is home to red pigs but also angry doughnuts. And although I've wanted to visit Romania now for many a year, I never dared to hope that the trip might include hot balls of dough dripping sour cherry innards. By strange and yet appropriate co-incidence, back in P-town, there are also eccentric anthropomorphic doughnuts. And were they to each to grow several miles tall and exchange blows in the middle of the Atlantic (or perhaps Central Asia), might I not then taste their soft fried flesh in unison as it rained down in surgery violence? Mmmm. It is a future devoutly to be wished.